20 Tech Tips from JALT CALL 2019

The 2019 JALT CALL conference was informative and enjoyable as usual! Here are some handy highlights and tech tips I picked up during the three days of presentations…

  1. The big names that come up every year include English Central, WordEngine, Pocket Passport, and XReading. Check them out if you don’t already know them!
  2. Did you know you can use MoodleCloud to host your Moodle installation?
  3. According to English Central, “difficulties”, “colony”, and “discovered” are amongst the words Japanese learners of English find the most difficult to pronounce
  4. The University of Kyoto is using blockchain to power its learning analytics. Find out more about the uses of blockchain here
  5. Kai-Fu Lee discusses AI in his best-selling book “AI Super Powers
  6. Musio X robot helps Japanese kids learn English
  7. Google Duplex can call local businesses to arrange appointments
  8. Pocket Talk puts the power of two-way voice translation in your pocket
  9. Translatotron can translate L1 speech directly into L2 speech without the need for an intermediary text transcription stage
  10. Critical thinking, people management, and creativity will be among the top 10 job skills in 2020 according to the World Economic Forum
  11. DialogFlow can be used to create natural AI-powered “conversation experiences”
  12. Seesaw empowers students to demonstrate and share learning
  13. Google Classroom is gaining traction in Japan, although I experienced issues inviting students from certain institutions that hadn’t yet granted access to the tool
  14. Did you know that Google complies with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)?
  15. Did you know that there are 118 million smart speakers in US households?
  16. Alexa Skill Blueprints allow you to easily create your own Alexa Skill
  17. jb11.org contains lots of useful text analysis tools
  18. Learner English corpora include ICLE, JEFFL, and many others
  19. There are also many native speaker corpora
  20. Manaba is a popular LMS in Japan

Also, don’t forget to check out my own sites:

… and buy my book if you’re interested in learning more about how to use tech in the ESL classroom!

My appearance on ALTInsider.com

I was delighted to appear on the excellent and informative ALTInsider.com podcast with James last weekend. The episode has just been released, and I talk about Computer Assisted Language Learning, writing graded readers, and teaching at universities in Japan.

Here is a quick rundown of my sites mentioned on the podcast:

Also, don’t forget to check out my book of tech tips for English teachers, and support me on Patreon if you find my work useful.